
Holiday Weekend
January 31, 2009, 11:22 am
Filed under: culture, football

Like most dudes, I don’t spend a ton of time in Hallmark stores, just browsing the cards, so I honestly don’t know the answer to this question: Do they sell “Happy Super Bowl” cards there?  If not, they should.  Because tomorrow, we here in USAmerica (and many others around the world) celebrate one of the more prominent holidays of the year.  Despite the fact that it’s not an official holiday, more people do something related to this day than a lot of other holidays.  Sure, some people get a day off work for President’s Day or MLK Day or Veteran’s Day, and they may even attend some kind of gathering in honor of it.  But really, does it really compare to the number of people who gather with friends, make special foods, wear certain kinds of clothing, etc.?  You know I’m right.

The big difference, of course, is that a corporation, the NFL, tightly controls its branding, and threatens legal action against anyone who would use it’s Super Bowl trademarking and property for non-authorized (read paid for) activities.

And while I fully participate in the mayhem, and enjoy doing so, it’s important for me to acknowledge what I’m doing.  I willingly place myself in front of a corporate product.  I enthusiastically submit myself to being sold things, via the commercials (which, I really hope don’t suck).  I treat this annual event with special honor.

What dates on the Christian calendar do I participate in with this much intentionality?  What about you?

Happy Super Bowl, friends.

Long overdue update
January 28, 2009, 8:09 am
Filed under: blogging, family, friends, mac, San Diego, school, technology, twitter

Well, it’s been riculously long since I’ve written a real post about anything – in particular anything that’s going on in my world.  I do intend to get back on the blogging wagon, but I think it may take a little while to catch up.  This is because I want to be thoughtful about how I do this.  I’ve noticed that since Twitter came into my life, a lot of the short, quick take things I used to blog are now ending up there instead of here.  That’s fine, but there’s a hidden implication – when I do blog something, it tends to be several paragraphs in length, and a lot of blog readers just don’t have the patience for that.  So, I’m going to work on posting mainly short items, with an occasional longer treatment of something if I feel like drilling down.

By way of categorizing things that have happened in my personal world since I last really wrote an update:

– Michelle and I went to San Diego for Christmas.  Saw lots of family and friends.

– Shortly after the Christmas holiday break, I completed a draft of my doctoral dissertation for review by my academic advisor.  I await feedback and editing requests, but the big beast of a project is largely complete.

– Shortly after I turned in said dissertation draft, my trusty laptop, which had been giving me many fits for the previous few months finally crashed on me enough times that I went and bought a new computer.  Much to the delight of many of my friends, and the chagrin of other friends, I bought a MacBook, and not another PC.  Whatever.

– Since I don’t have a dissertation keeping me busy, I’ve taken on some projects around the house that have been perpetually on the back burner.

– I’ve been scheduling out some inter::mission teach-ins.  Really excited about a few of them that are on deck.

– Michelle and I are trying to prepare ourselves for several weeks of a higher-maintenance-than-usual life with a dog.  Tomorrow, we take Maui in for the doggy version of an ACL surgery.  She’ll be in a puppy cast for like six weeks, and then we’ll have to rehab her for another six weeks.  Did I mention that our house has stairs?  Should be lovely.

– Since I’m trying to get a fresh start, I popped a new WordPress theme on here.  I’ve spent very little time, and intend to do a bit more, editing blogroll links, widgets, etc.  I’ll try to make the thing look and function better for those of you who still visit the site, rather read through a feedreader.

O.k., so there are some other items as well, but this post is already breaking the “short items” blog post rule.  To those of you who have regularly checked in despite the lack of updates, my apologies and my thanks.  You both mean a lot to me.

Quick Apology
January 22, 2009, 8:33 am
Filed under: blogging

Hello, hello? Is this thing on?

I’d like to apologize for my lack of posting here. Thanks for visiting. Sorry I’m so delinquent. I have multiple highly credible excuses and alibis, but I won’t go into those here. Instead, I’ll just say that I may be coming into a clearing soonish, and I’ll get back into a more regular posting rhythm again.

Social Networking Question
January 2, 2009, 8:17 pm
Filed under: friends, social networking

So, with the start of the new year, I’ve been giving some thought to my online world of “friends.”  Specifically, I’ve been thinking about going through my “friends” on Facebook and purging some folks.  There are lots of folks that I’ve met once, became Facebook friends with, and then have never seen or heard from them again.  In most of these cases, I won’t ever see or talk to them again.  Students who have come through Seattle on a mission trip, friended me, then went back home, graduated, and are off to their careers are a good example.

And then there are all the people who have sent me friend requests, even though we’ve never met, and likely never will.  They’ve seen some famous people on my friend list, and think that if I know so-and-so, they want to know me.

I’m not trying to be a friend scrooge or anything, but I’m also not trying to play the Facebook/MySpace popularity game either – how many friends can I say I have, whether they’re legitimate or not.

All of this, of course, has me thinking I should develop some ground rules.  Like, am I allowed to be online “friends” with someone I’ve never met in person?  If so, am I allowed to be friends with someone I’ve never at least had e-mail interaction with?  Blog comments?

What does qualify?

There used to be this funny saying that “You’re not really friends until you’re friends on Facebook.”  Well, that’s never been true, and it’s certainly getting less and less true.

So what do you think?  Should I purge my friendship list?  If so, what should be criteria be?  Comment away.

Happy New Year
January 1, 2009, 9:18 pm
Filed under: uncategorized

Hi all.  I know it’s been extremely quiet ’round here lately.  As I try to tie up loose ends on my doctoral dissertation, that’ll probably persist for the next several weeks.  However, just in case I decided that one of my New Year’s Resolutions for the year is to blog daily, I figured I should go ahead and post something!  Just kidding.

2008 was a wild ride in many ways.  I’d do a year in review, but hey, that’s what the archives are for.  Looking back, I’ve made some very good friends in the past year, gone deeper with other friends, and been stretched in some important ways.  I’m looking forward to 2009 – there are still way more questions than answers about what this year is likely to have in store. 

I’ll try to have more fun on the ‘ol blog this year.  Maybe I’ll change my layout, throw a few bells and whistles on, whatever.  I hope your calendar is full of good times ahead.